About technique

The art of woodprint or wood engraving is known to be one of the oldest art techniques. It was first mastered in China (960 - 1279) and subsequently in Japan where it was considered to be a technique of exquisite value. In the beginning, it was printed only in black and white, while the use of colors was not introduced until 1766. In Europe, it was discovered around 1400, reaching a peak of its popularity and use only in the XIXth century. Woodprinting, known in art history as a distinct technique due to its vast outreach and complexity of its symbology, succeeded in reflecting, rather acutely, our complex and often contradictory universe. Today, woodprint is an extremely rare technique.

Cherry or pear wood is being used for woodcutting. Following the direction of the wood fibers the wood plate is being engraved, accomplishing in this manner the effect of the surface print (in comparison to deep print). By cutting into the wood, the artist is removing the portions of the wood surface that will not be printed. Wood plates that have been cut are being treated separately depending on how many colors the artist will use. After the color has been applied to different portions of the engraved surface of the wood, the paper used for printing is gently placed on the surface of the colored wood plate. Printing can be achieved by hand (hand pressing) or by printing press.

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